Sunday, April 10, 2011

Aaj ki aagajh!!

आज की आगाज 

क्या पाया था
जिसको खोया है ?
रो मत
झुक मत
संघर्ष कर
आगे बढ I

जीत की होड़
हार का डर
खो मत
झुक मत
संघर्ष कर
आगे बढ I

आस ना हो
कोई पास ना हो
ठहर मत
झुक मत
संघर्ष कर
आगे बढ I

जोश भर
उन्माद जगा 
थक मत
झुक मत
संघर्ष कर
आगे बढ I

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Experienced, The Muscle and The Naivety

I was getting bogged down in a long queue with few friends to have a glimpse of the deity. My friends were busy in telling their jejune romanticism incessantly. Being reluctant to participate in their chitchat, I was in deep thought. Sometimes I was getting whiff of blood from the animals being sacrificed at nearby closed corner, distracted towards pigeons fluttering in search of every bit of the piece of rice suffused here and there. People who had paid to the authorities where entering the temple without delay. General public was standing in long queue, impatiently waiting for their turn to come. I noticed a nuance which I shared with my friends eloquently.
There was alter where people were going and breaking the coconuts and pouring the water over a goddess, placed at a few feet distance. An elderly person came and clinically broke the soft portion of the coconut (a point to note is that if you buy a coconut within the temple premises, the shopkeeper will cut a portion of coconut such that you can easily break the coconut.) and poured the whole water on the deity uttering the hymns. Another young person came and smashed it once with all his might, ran to bath the deity with the water, possibly few drops.
"Does it depict anything to you?"
"Experience", "The elderly person had all the experience. He knew exactly at which point he had to hit to make small hole.  The young man had all the strength but lacked the experienced. He used his might to break the coconut even his coconut has the soft spot too." 
I could see slight smile on everyone.
"Can you explain this one?"One man who standing beside was keening hearing my logic, pointing me towards a young man who had failed to break the coconut twice hitting the alter. He threw the coconut with all his might and the pieces of coconut exploded with water flowing all over.

"Probably he grew up in household where he had to do nothing and lacked all the skills. He was a naïve person, say Mama's boy. "

"Having upbringing in suave society conceals you from coping in unpropitious situations."
All faces flushed with smile.
"The gates have opened, keep walking."
A sudden furor rose. The sluice gates have opened and we were getting excited to be inundated with faith.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The cradle song: a memory

As I was trying long to sleep today, engrossed in my deep thought, suddenly remembered my childhood.
When I would make my mother sing cradle songs and as she would sing lulabies in her sweet murmur voice, I could feel sleep in no time in her warm laps.

She used sang a few. I remember only this one.

चंदा मामा दूर के 
पुड़ी पकावे गूड़ के II
अपने खाए थाली में 
मुन्ना को दीये प्याली में II
प्याली गयी टूट 
मुन्ना गया रूठ  II
नया प्याली मगायेंगे  
मुन्ना को मनाएंगे II
- Dedicated to my mother