Thursday, March 15, 2007

Lets make life simple

Emotions and echoes has swallowed whole world. Pride and anger prevails in realm world. don't you think from core of your heart as the famous quote which i often got in my report card from my headmaster "it should have been better" . Life is best learnt from tragedy.I do not mean life should full of depressions. But inner feelings are automatically get reflected in outer prospect. Do not get sentimental or too exaggerate about something non reclusive. This world is full of attractive things. Do not get off the track. Behold your heart and follow the world with your might.ITS gotta be beautiful.Do not jump on any conclusion.You must be dreamer.Do not show your anger and depression.Do not try to prove you are doing something special to someone.As time will show that you were just impulsive at that moment.
Thanks for having such a wonderful patience. This is the essence of all the preaching which I heard during my school days.hope you will post nice comments.KEEP VISITING ME.


Voice said...

good one. clap clap

a good start..
keep writing and i will keep visiting.

welcome to blogger

Sayan said...

nice one priyo
I can envisage u as the future Paul Coleho of IISER

Sambit said...

Good. Well Done Priyo

Rajeev said...

Nice try....

Salman said...

nice start dada...
what an unusually philosophical and sophisticatedly complex take on life !!!
but all in all it was really inspiring.