Tuesday, June 8, 2010

तेरे मुरली का दोष

तेरे मुरली का दोष

हे मदन मोहन, हे गोपाल !
तेरी मुरली मुझे रिझाती
तुम्हे है अति प्यारी I
सदा तुम्हारा स्पर्श पाती
मुझे सदा तड़पाती I
नहीं आना तेरे पास
जब तक है मुरलिया का रास I
नहीं है मुझसे प्यार
नहीं आना इस पार I

हे मन मोहिनी, हे राधे !
तुम ही मेरी प्राण
मेरे मुरली की सुर तान I
सदा तुम्हारा याद दिलाती
तुम्हे खींचे ले आती I
तुम्ही हो इसकी ताल छंद
ना करो तुम इससे द्वन्द I
तुम्हे बुलाना इसका श्रेय
न आयोगी तो इसका क्या ध्येय ?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Kill me and keep your honour- a social introspective

"If my son had not killed her, I would have killed her." –said boastful mother whose son killed his sister for keeping the "honour" of the society. The societies whose foundations are laid on hollow façade. How caould a brother who had lived with his sister for sixteen years strangle her finding her love towards a boy who was of same gotra or different caste?

In the 21st century we live in a parochial society whose rules were set in medieval ages. These rules were set for prosperity of race against the other, to stop the mixing of bloods to evade social outcastism. In age of globalization where whole world is intertwined, each one is struggling to have a better life; society persists with rules which have no meaning in present context. In this patriarchal society where father do not discuss with problems their own family but care about society. They think they have to live in the society and they are the guardians to look their children grow like them. In villages particularly elderly people will spend so much time discussing among themselves. They do not have time to discuss with their children about their dreams and aspirations.

In arrange marriage girls are married to boys whom they have never met, even do not know about their compatibility. Slowly love dies between them. They become habituated of each other, often results in domestic violence. This violence inures them and they become like their mother who will treat her sons like a prince and mistreat daughters as their belongings. The mother blind folded follows her husband as he is one who runs the family. People in villages do not know about the developments but will keep fighting for their honour. The Honour should be how much they are successful in inculcating their child.

There is drawback of love marriages too. You will find out large number of divorce cases in US resulting from these love marriages. All have pros and cons. I want to say that if a girl loves a boy; his family should hear her points and should understand her feeling. They should inquire about the boy and if they find him suitable them they should move forward.

Brother kills his sister. Mother kills her daughter. They want to hold their head high in the society. But after killing will they not miss her. These brothers will look at other girls with lecherous desires. The society has changed. Now we live in nuclear family, even in villages. These caste systems have now become orthodox. People meet with each other and know each other well even the women folk. You cannot impose your choices. Sensitivity among the youth is growing. They are become aware of their rights and wrongs.

If we are so much engrossed with our caste system then why not divide our cricket teams based on the castes. IPL teams will be known as Meena Lions, Rajput Warriors etc. Why do you call yourself Indian? Divide it according to the castes. The caste system has to go now. Politicians and few people who have lust for this power do not let it go due to their selfish desires. Ignorance due to proper education and the myths created by the age old traditions have kept this caste system in vogue. Ignorant minds who should be having better living, better education and think about them still believe in what society thinks about them. Society should welcome the modern changes or it will perish.

Future is in our hand and we have to create it. Spread the message against khap panchayats and social injustice in regard to honour killings. A strong campaign is required against these honour killings. India is land of unity in diversity, a little bit of more diversity will enhance this unity.

चांदनी हो तुम मेरे इस जहाँ की

आसमान में उड़ते रहेंगे जब तक है दम I
तुम जितनी दूर जाओगी उतने पास आयेंगे हम II
शहर- शहर डगर- डगर खोजूं तुझे, रास्ता तेरा मिलता नहीं I
अँधेरे में खो नहीं सकता, चांदनी हो तुम मेरे इस जहाँ की II

Thursday, June 3, 2010

No Dream Too Big

On 6th July, 2022 at around 10 a.m. I was pondering over a problem faced by my new graduate student, I had a call from a person who told me that that he was Prof. Lorentz from Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and he was very happy to share that I had shared this year noble prize with Prof. Brendon. At first I thought it was a joke. I had just finished my Post Doc. from Molecular Foundry, Berkeley Lab and had started as my career as Assistant Professor at UCI, University of California. I know my Post-doctoral work was a major breakthrough but had not thought to receive this award so soon.

Today is 10th December, 2022. I have just grand reception by his highness King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden with fellow Nobel Laureates in Stockholm. I have received the Nobel Prize Medal, Nobel Prize Diploma and document confirming the Nobel Prize amount from the King. My whole nation and my family feel proud. My proud parents have become numb. Their joy was boundless. A son of lower middle class has garnered this highest laurel. We have moved to the banquet at the Stockholm City Hall (Stockholms Stadshus) where I have to deliver a speech. I feel humbled to give speech in front of around 1300 audience. It was my turn to say something.

"His Majesty King of Sweden and her highness Queen of Sweden, Fellow Nobel Laureates, dear students,

I feel humbled to in midst of you. It has been a divine day for me to be honoured with the highest glory one can achieve in the worship of science. My family and whole nation thank you for bestowing such a grace. I feel elated and being selected for this prize as such early in my career. People in my country believe that this prize is for old, white haired senile scientists.

I have been through a very modest family where we have been taught no dream to big. I have been always encouraged in my endeavour. My brother and sister have always been my strength. I think they feel more proud than I do. I am thankful to my teachers at Narendrapur, Ramkrishna Mission Vidyalaya, and faculty at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata and Professor Rosenmellor of MIT, Boston and Prof. Brendon at Molecular Foundry for nourishing my inclination towards science. I have to work harder now to pay their liabilities.

Sincerely, I have not been so bright student. In my second year of college when I had set goal in my life that I have to be a scientist in the field of Cancer Research. I became more prone towards observation. I tried to improve my observation via photography, writing about imageries, meditations. I tried to learn thinking as if I had to teach it the next day and the whole thing changed. My confidence increased by diligently working in labs. I tried to garner more and more knowledge. I transformed pedantic to hedonistic approach in gaining knowledge. Thus I gained belief in myself and here I am.

Now I shall come to discuss the research topic which has landed me this prestigious prize. In childhood like I thought that cancer was a deadly disease that is some kind of virus. Gradually I understood it was effect of unsocial behaviour of the cells. I had natural inclination towards this subject. While doing PhD in MIT I got exposure to cutting edge research going on to curb this disease. I had some idea. I shared with Prof. Brendon whom I had shared this prize. We chalked out a plan to stop ras oncogene. Conventional drug is targeted to attach to receptors of the cancer cells and then it is killed by chemotherapy. But we designed a drug which would attach to the surface and by evoking the receptor in such a manner that it will confuse ras to perform multiple tasks. As ras do not only activate this cascade but it has several uses also. By confusing we can lead to apoptosis of the cell. Thus we can save the patient from the drastic health conditions triggered by chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Initially we were impeded but eventually we got success. Soon we are releasing drugs for clinical trials. Hopefully it comes quickly and serves the purpose. It will be boon for specially people of our land.

I would like thank to all my colleges who have helped me in this endeavour. I would like to especially my big brother and sister who have served as guiding light to me. Lastly I will like to thank my wife who always felt ignored due to my immense pressure of work and had to quit her job to maintain the household. Hope that this prize is worth your all sacrifices.

Author's Commentary: All the names are fictional. This post is a gift from me to my parent's on their marriage anniversary.

Hope you all will shower blessings to realize this dream.
