Yes we all are quite familiar with what happened in Mumbai in last few days. TV channels showed it as if it was very popular soap with very high TRP loathed with advertisements. They let us hear the sound of bullets and showed NSG commandos as heroes. If I am not wrong due to fact they showed the each activity of the Commandos even they showed the part of Taj being flooded with lights might have given clue to the mastermind terrorist and be reason of so many causalities. Is it freedom of press? They don't have even time to show any program on Shree VP Singh who died 27Th. When we were kids if a former prime minister or former president was killed all the programs on DD were suspended and we heard only sound of sarangi for 3 days. Thanks to these lot of channels we do not have to go through such days again.
Well I am here not to write these things. Coming to main topic again. We all are mere puppets in hands of extremism. I quite agree with my friend Sambit about our insecurity these days. Last time we were in a mall watching " The Dark Knight". After coming out I found out that I had 10 misscalls from my elder brother. When enquired he told me about blast in a mall at Delhi. He was quite worried about me and told me not to go out in mall quite often. Now if those secured Five star hotels are not safe then how safe is our common house not without a security guard or metal detector.
Fact is not that this is religious zealot or vandalism, this is just to create fear and let us feel insecure and go under so called extremist for our protection. But what they do? They brainwash our mind they sow the seed of hatred thus they overcome our feelings and compel us to do harm. Extremist cannot let anything to be safe and feeling which we can feel secure. How often we hear that 21 year old extermist who was Doctor or engineer arrested or killed? Sometimes I feel they must have also their dreams to conquer the world but coming in contact in extremist they are brainwashed and compelled to move in wrong direction thus ending their golden dream.The target is generally common man excepting Taj massacre where they are of xyz religion. The terrorist in general seldom inquire about their religion. It is Id cards or clues of terrorist show that they are of xyz community. This is misinterpreted as if they where targeting anti-xyz, thus hatred spread.Does they do not have feeling? I am sure they love their mother, sister or friend. Might be some incidents which misdirected them. Once you slip on a slippery track more chances is that you will fall. In start it all seems absolutely perfect, before you could realize anything you cannot return back.
This society has ill traditions. This doesn't mean everything is wrong. My dear its perception which let you think whether it is right or wrong. Make your thoughts clear before it is too late follow your own path.
Believe Believe Believe
It is getting insecure to live and roam around in public places in big cities. Kolkata is safer though. But it is safe until it is targeted,and who knows when is it gonna happen.
Recently, i read in India Today in which they talked to bombers who had been arrested recently in Delhi. One of them said when asked that he will bomb the market where his mother buys vegetables, and she would go to 'jannat'. This is the hatred and brainwash Priyadarshi is talking about.
Yeah it was a nice piece....maybe some the stupid tv shud see it....I believe people these days hav become too petty materialistic....whether its our leaders or tv honchos....and somewhere deep down even us....running for a mad rat race of materialism
I completely agree with Priyadarshi, it's one knows which came first a egg or a hen....But we don't start killing people who think that egg have come first or vice versa.....
India,US,UK are all secular countries and every people have their freedom to follow their religion,but there are many islamic countries in which one is not even allowed to wear religious attire,but people don't go or attack those countries.....
Its the inner-self which can make or break oneself.....we should know how to control our emotion and do the right thing.......
We are living in the 21st century and in this century our work should be our religion......whatever we do, we should do whole heartedly.....this would lead to a better,prosperous and bright future........we should hope that day is not far away...
Absolutely agree with you....
Attack on high profile places of Mumbai was also to make rich people to think they are also insecure even with security and thus make them come under fold of etremist for protection
hi priyadarshi
achha laga mujhe padh ke
here is my comments
mujhe na woh sarangi jo bajata tha kisi politician ke marne pe bahut bura lagta hai... so i am thankful to channels now a days :)
We always accuse media and correctly it shud be accused but the fact remains same.... we will still watch that channel which is showing us these footage...
so we are the culprit
chal i will also write something about this episode...
but it is very very very sad :(
A really sad incident and it is not the worst those messengers of satan have to offer. India is done taking its usual defensive stand. Its time to retaliate, time to counter attack their bases. Some people would argue that we don't even know where their bases are, or where to start. Seriously guys, have we even tried. The search teams that are sent to find the enemy hide outs have strict orders not to cross the line of control and investigate the POK. I don't get the reason for such orders when POK is an integral part of India.
Well said Priyadarshi. I hope India will change its stand soon.
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