Friday, May 7, 2010

Nuance Serie A

I enjoy observing subtle things. They fascinate me a lot. This series is dedicated to my observations, mainly posted on Facebook.


A nuance: When students come from home they look healthy and mess people look they had hardly any muscle but as the days goes by mess people become healthy and students become pale.

Posted on fb on 13th April 2010


Nuance II: When you ,move near the waterbodies of Mumbai even Delhi you have noisome odor but in Bengal you do not get it..thanks to Pisciculture. In mumbai they use waterbodies as dumping ground.
Posted on fb on 14th April 2010


Nuance III-"Badam amaar theke nao kaino ki aami guru baki sab chela(buy peanuts from me as I am the Teacher rest are my copy cats)"- heard a hawker telling slowly. Another strategy of selling stuffs at our own super market @ locals

Posted on fb on 18th April 2010

Nuance IV: My WMP and Itunes have access to same music folder. When I play on shuffle mode they they play different songs i.e. they have play songs more the songs which have been played earlier ...They are incoherent ....they have different algorithm and but play more the previously played songs..which means they play different songs each time..
Posted on fb on 30th April 2010

If their Algorithm is different, and they both factor in users' preference (frequency of track played earlier), they still might have a lot of other factors which cause the divergence in track choices. But unless you have a huge library and like to listen to random tracks (typical users have few favourites) all the time, the twain should pick the same tracks at times. Unless of course, they cannot use the same track concurrently, which I know is not the case.

Nuance V: As a child I often thought why was the train moving in opposite direction was faster than my train?
Posted on fb on 6th may 2010

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