Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Saw on a Poster

I saw on a poster in a shop.....

Most selfish 1 letter word I avoid it

Most admiring  2 letter word We use it

Most poison's 3 letter word Ego kill it

Most used 4 letter word Love value it

Most pleasing 5 letter word Smile keep it

Fastest spreading 6 letter word Rumor avoid it 

Hardest working 7 letter word Success ach've it

Most envious 8 letter word Jealousy distance it

Most important 9 letter word Knowledge acquire it

Most essential 10 letter word Confidence trust it.

Thanks Anshu for reminding me.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

तेरे मुरली का दोष

तेरे मुरली का दोष

हे मदन मोहन, हे गोपाल !
तेरी मुरली मुझे रिझाती
तुम्हे है अति प्यारी I
सदा तुम्हारा स्पर्श पाती
मुझे सदा तड़पाती I
नहीं आना तेरे पास
जब तक है मुरलिया का रास I
नहीं है मुझसे प्यार
नहीं आना इस पार I

हे मन मोहिनी, हे राधे !
तुम ही मेरी प्राण
मेरे मुरली की सुर तान I
सदा तुम्हारा याद दिलाती
तुम्हे खींचे ले आती I
तुम्ही हो इसकी ताल छंद
ना करो तुम इससे द्वन्द I
तुम्हे बुलाना इसका श्रेय
न आयोगी तो इसका क्या ध्येय ?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Kill me and keep your honour- a social introspective

"If my son had not killed her, I would have killed her." –said boastful mother whose son killed his sister for keeping the "honour" of the society. The societies whose foundations are laid on hollow façade. How caould a brother who had lived with his sister for sixteen years strangle her finding her love towards a boy who was of same gotra or different caste?

In the 21st century we live in a parochial society whose rules were set in medieval ages. These rules were set for prosperity of race against the other, to stop the mixing of bloods to evade social outcastism. In age of globalization where whole world is intertwined, each one is struggling to have a better life; society persists with rules which have no meaning in present context. In this patriarchal society where father do not discuss with problems their own family but care about society. They think they have to live in the society and they are the guardians to look their children grow like them. In villages particularly elderly people will spend so much time discussing among themselves. They do not have time to discuss with their children about their dreams and aspirations.

In arrange marriage girls are married to boys whom they have never met, even do not know about their compatibility. Slowly love dies between them. They become habituated of each other, often results in domestic violence. This violence inures them and they become like their mother who will treat her sons like a prince and mistreat daughters as their belongings. The mother blind folded follows her husband as he is one who runs the family. People in villages do not know about the developments but will keep fighting for their honour. The Honour should be how much they are successful in inculcating their child.

There is drawback of love marriages too. You will find out large number of divorce cases in US resulting from these love marriages. All have pros and cons. I want to say that if a girl loves a boy; his family should hear her points and should understand her feeling. They should inquire about the boy and if they find him suitable them they should move forward.

Brother kills his sister. Mother kills her daughter. They want to hold their head high in the society. But after killing will they not miss her. These brothers will look at other girls with lecherous desires. The society has changed. Now we live in nuclear family, even in villages. These caste systems have now become orthodox. People meet with each other and know each other well even the women folk. You cannot impose your choices. Sensitivity among the youth is growing. They are become aware of their rights and wrongs.

If we are so much engrossed with our caste system then why not divide our cricket teams based on the castes. IPL teams will be known as Meena Lions, Rajput Warriors etc. Why do you call yourself Indian? Divide it according to the castes. The caste system has to go now. Politicians and few people who have lust for this power do not let it go due to their selfish desires. Ignorance due to proper education and the myths created by the age old traditions have kept this caste system in vogue. Ignorant minds who should be having better living, better education and think about them still believe in what society thinks about them. Society should welcome the modern changes or it will perish.

Future is in our hand and we have to create it. Spread the message against khap panchayats and social injustice in regard to honour killings. A strong campaign is required against these honour killings. India is land of unity in diversity, a little bit of more diversity will enhance this unity.

चांदनी हो तुम मेरे इस जहाँ की

आसमान में उड़ते रहेंगे जब तक है दम I
तुम जितनी दूर जाओगी उतने पास आयेंगे हम II
शहर- शहर डगर- डगर खोजूं तुझे, रास्ता तेरा मिलता नहीं I
अँधेरे में खो नहीं सकता, चांदनी हो तुम मेरे इस जहाँ की II

Thursday, June 3, 2010

No Dream Too Big

On 6th July, 2022 at around 10 a.m. I was pondering over a problem faced by my new graduate student, I had a call from a person who told me that that he was Prof. Lorentz from Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and he was very happy to share that I had shared this year noble prize with Prof. Brendon. At first I thought it was a joke. I had just finished my Post Doc. from Molecular Foundry, Berkeley Lab and had started as my career as Assistant Professor at UCI, University of California. I know my Post-doctoral work was a major breakthrough but had not thought to receive this award so soon.

Today is 10th December, 2022. I have just grand reception by his highness King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden with fellow Nobel Laureates in Stockholm. I have received the Nobel Prize Medal, Nobel Prize Diploma and document confirming the Nobel Prize amount from the King. My whole nation and my family feel proud. My proud parents have become numb. Their joy was boundless. A son of lower middle class has garnered this highest laurel. We have moved to the banquet at the Stockholm City Hall (Stockholms Stadshus) where I have to deliver a speech. I feel humbled to give speech in front of around 1300 audience. It was my turn to say something.

"His Majesty King of Sweden and her highness Queen of Sweden, Fellow Nobel Laureates, dear students,

I feel humbled to in midst of you. It has been a divine day for me to be honoured with the highest glory one can achieve in the worship of science. My family and whole nation thank you for bestowing such a grace. I feel elated and being selected for this prize as such early in my career. People in my country believe that this prize is for old, white haired senile scientists.

I have been through a very modest family where we have been taught no dream to big. I have been always encouraged in my endeavour. My brother and sister have always been my strength. I think they feel more proud than I do. I am thankful to my teachers at Narendrapur, Ramkrishna Mission Vidyalaya, and faculty at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata and Professor Rosenmellor of MIT, Boston and Prof. Brendon at Molecular Foundry for nourishing my inclination towards science. I have to work harder now to pay their liabilities.

Sincerely, I have not been so bright student. In my second year of college when I had set goal in my life that I have to be a scientist in the field of Cancer Research. I became more prone towards observation. I tried to improve my observation via photography, writing about imageries, meditations. I tried to learn thinking as if I had to teach it the next day and the whole thing changed. My confidence increased by diligently working in labs. I tried to garner more and more knowledge. I transformed pedantic to hedonistic approach in gaining knowledge. Thus I gained belief in myself and here I am.

Now I shall come to discuss the research topic which has landed me this prestigious prize. In childhood like I thought that cancer was a deadly disease that is some kind of virus. Gradually I understood it was effect of unsocial behaviour of the cells. I had natural inclination towards this subject. While doing PhD in MIT I got exposure to cutting edge research going on to curb this disease. I had some idea. I shared with Prof. Brendon whom I had shared this prize. We chalked out a plan to stop ras oncogene. Conventional drug is targeted to attach to receptors of the cancer cells and then it is killed by chemotherapy. But we designed a drug which would attach to the surface and by evoking the receptor in such a manner that it will confuse ras to perform multiple tasks. As ras do not only activate this cascade but it has several uses also. By confusing we can lead to apoptosis of the cell. Thus we can save the patient from the drastic health conditions triggered by chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Initially we were impeded but eventually we got success. Soon we are releasing drugs for clinical trials. Hopefully it comes quickly and serves the purpose. It will be boon for specially people of our land.

I would like thank to all my colleges who have helped me in this endeavour. I would like to especially my big brother and sister who have served as guiding light to me. Lastly I will like to thank my wife who always felt ignored due to my immense pressure of work and had to quit her job to maintain the household. Hope that this prize is worth your all sacrifices.

Author's Commentary: All the names are fictional. This post is a gift from me to my parent's on their marriage anniversary.

Hope you all will shower blessings to realize this dream.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Love & Devotion

In love you expect that you will be requited.

Whereas in Devotion you do unselfish, altruistic acts without any lust, better to say any expectation of the result.

That is why

"Love is rare whereas Devotion is the rarest."

Follow devotion for true salvation to attain nirvana.

It consists of all yoga and tapa.

थोड़े से हम तुम

थोडा सा प्यार 
थोडा सा तकरार I

थोडा सा इंकार
थोडा सा इकरार I

थोड़ी सी हंसी
थोडा सा ख़ुशी I

थोडा सा मनाना
थोडा सा शर्मना I

थोडा सा चेहरा
थोडा सा चाँद जैसा I

थोड़ी सी नरमी
थोड़ी सी गर्मी I

थोड़ी सी ख़ामोशी
थोड़ी सी मदहोशी I

थोड़ी सी नफरत
थोड़ी सी शरारत I

थोडा सा हुस्न
थोडा सा गुरुर I

थोडा सा सुरूर
थोडा सा मजबूर

थोडा सा एतवार  
थोडा सा इंतजार  I

थोड़ी सी लियाकत
थोड़ी सी लिफाफत I

थोडा सा गुस्सा
थोडा सा आँखों से तार I  

थोडा सी मुस्कराहट  
थोड़ी सी खुबसूरत I

थोडा सी सराफत
थोड़ी सी नजाकत

थोडा सा गाना 
थोडा सा गुदगुदाना I

थोडा सा गलों को पिचकाना 
थोड़ी  सी  ओठों की लालिमा I

थोड़ी सी चांदनी
थोड़ी सा अँधेरा I

थोड़े से दूर 
थोड़े से पास I

थोडा से तुम
थोड़े से हम II

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

वो चेहरा किसका है ?

वो  चेहरा  किसका है ?

सांसो को मत थामो
आज लहू बनके उतरेगा I
सच्चाई जो भी हो
आज कागज पे उतरेगा I

तुम इतनी कठोर हो जानम
शीशा बना लिया है I
वोह टूट न जाये जालिम
अपना दिल ढाल दिया है I

तुम इतनी मदहोश क्यूँ हो
चाँद भी खो जाता है I
आज चांदनी भले  हीं हो
कल अमावस्या भी आता है I

हमें ना समझना गैरों सा
की तुम हमें भूल जायोगे I
बेदर्द जब याद आएगी
छुप छुप के रोया करोगे I

हर रोज आईना बदल लेने से
चेहरा थोड़े हीं बदल जाता है I
सीने में जो मुखड़ा आया कल
दिल में वही समां जाता है I

चले तुम दूर मझधार में
की तूफ़ान ना आएगा I
बना लेते हमें पतवार 
हवा का रुख बदल जायेगा I

बहुत प्यार करता हूँ सितमगर
पता है ना I
अब जाना है जहाँ जाओ
लौट आना है ना I

कसक रहेगी मन में
तुमपे क्यूँ कोई मरता हूँ  ?
क्या तुमने कभी देखा नहीं
वो  चेहरा  किसका है ?

Irony of a Rainbow

Have you looked at a rainbow!

Rain has stopped and there is water droplets spread in the atmosphere and when the sunlight falls on these droplets gives a dazzling rainbow- bow made of seven colors(VIBGYOR).

How charming it is!! – Uber cool.

It spreads smiles on our faces.

Look at it closely. It looks like smiley of sadness. Isn't it? Have you noticed it earlier? Now this gives a jeer feeling.

A thing of beauty which is itself a symbol of sadness spreads smiles all over us.

This is ultimate truth of life. We spread hatred and try to gain happiness from it. We run after material world in lieu of this aesthetic world.

In my childhood I tried to run after to rainbows to touch it, to play with it. More I ran further it went. Only to know nobody can ever touch it. It is like the materialistic world. The more we earn, we want more and more. Never get satisfied. In meantime we leave the joy of watching it standing. Life is wonderful such we should enjoy the moments.

Do not run after these rainbows.They  give us elusive hopes. You will never get it. Why are you spending your life finding someone and something which never exists? Sometimes though these hopes keeps us burning and we forget the things around us.But time will come when you will feel unsatisfied what I have missed.

Feel the freshness the rain has spread and forget all the bad feelings. Smile at each moment.

Let's enjoy life.

                                    Picture Coutesy: Kane     

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Life is a priceless gift.

Life is a priceless gift. How often we misuse this gift? We hate each other. We divide each other according to money, caste. We spread the hatred among each other, look down each other, quell each other- a narcissistic way of living. It leads to mistrust, communication gap and stop believing on each other. Subsequently we start to distrust ourselves. Friends become enemies who will be always envious. We do not know the difference between right and wrong. Each step is hard to take. Thus create a elusive world and become a slave of it.

Do you want to live your life as a puppet. First of all trust yourself. No body is going to force you. Believe in yourself. Try to be happy. Spread the smile. Life is beautiful. Each moment is priceless. Money can not buy you friends who will take care of you and who will make you laugh at bad jokes. Take bold steps. Be out of the rudimentary world. Do not bind yourself with money and look down upon others.

Which should be qualities of your friends? Absolutely nothing - just believe. Think friendship  as barter system of  smile where each smile counts. If you have done something to your friend, do not expect them to return it in any quantity. You should try to always help him more. Trust your friends.  Do not encourage them to do wrong. Make less but most awesome friends who understand you. Never try to show them your unhappiness but share their needs. Spread love and see how happy you become.

How to generate more happiness? Should we do more funny things? Should we encourage in bashing one friend in front of other to make more happiness? Always have the positive attitude. Be with them, share their passion. Encourage them in their pursuit. Never let him fee as if he is alone. If someone loves you for meagre qualities and want to be with you in every step that means you have a true friend. This must not mean gossiping all the time. find out common things you like. Treat your family as friends share with them your happiness and always have their trust. Time may come your friends will become deceptive. Give them time, they will again regroup as a pillar.

Positive living means your mind should be clear about your goals, about your needs. Be a pessimist every time. Do not suppress others needs too. This world is not a gory competition, where you have to evolve as a champion. Be a team member with all. Spreading small happiness is more important than surge of happiness. You are not living in a world to be happy on some particular day. Make your each day joyous.

Life is not about living in future. Live on to your duties each day. See how happy you feel as you go to sleep.

feel the walk in the rain.
feel the air you breathe.
feel the food you eat.
feel the warmth of your friends.
feel the love you have generated.

Hope I made you smile.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

दूर खड़े हो की

दूर खड़े हो की
साहिल उस पार जाना है I
इस जहाँ में तुम क्या
खुदा को भूल जाना है I

जालिम उन आँखों का क्या  दोष
जिसमे खुदा का नूर दिखता था I
उनकी बातों में क्या  मोती की लड़ी थी
जिसपे यह दिल मचलता था I

तुम्हारी एक मुस्क्कुराहत पर
जान निशार करता है I
तुम आयोगी एक दिन क्यूंकि
नदिया को सागर में मिलना है I

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Everlasting Sojourn

"Ssshhh!! Keep quite. I can not flutter my wings too fast. My parents will wake up"

My nest is on the middle of a banyan tree. From where I used to watch the top of giant pillars from where time to time white fumes blew. I wish to fly like my mama did. I wished to glide like the kites and birds in 'V'.

My dream to fly came true yesterday. It was the moment I will not forget in my life. My other two siblings had flown down, then up, nicely. I was excited but nervous. I went to the edge of the nest and closed my eyes and started to flutter my wings. My mother told me to stop fluttering and keep my eyes open. Ooops! She gave me a gentle kick and I was falling down. I could hear everybody telling me to start waving my wings but I was confused. I was about to touch the ground with all my strength I started fluttering and off I was gliding. Flew up and down then up again. Everybody joined me and we had our first flight together. I learnt to catch worms from the soil. I was elated to catch my first raw food.

"I wished to fly straight towards the city. My mother blocked my way and ordered us to fly with her. We went to a nearby farm where we played for the whole day."

"I longed to fly towards tall buildings. That is why I woke up early and am flying towards my dream destination. "

I could see a faint light coming from the top of the giant towers.

At a distance a bird was also flying towards the city.

It was a fellow sparrow. I flew faster.

"Hey lady! Are you also running from your parents to see the city?"


"Actually I have learnt flying yesterday and am flying away from my nest to see those giant pillars. I used to see them from my nest."

She chuckled. "Has your mother not warned you to go that side?"

"Yes! She has warned me never to go that side and that side was hell. I just want to see once. May be it's not a hell for me."

"You are just a brat. You should listen to your mother and should not go there alone."

"Well! I am not alone. You are also flying in that direction. Am I wrong? "

"No, first of all I am not a toddler like you. I am 3 months older than you. Practically I do not have a family and I am flying away for a different reason."

"What happened to your family? You leave them to go to tall buildings daily."

"Seriously, you do not want to know."

"No, you are first person I have talked beyond my family. I really want to know." I was tiring down.

"Sun is rising and we were almost at the outskirts of the city. May be we could sit down on these wires. I wanted to enjoy the rays coming between the giant buildings." Indicating the wires which ran parallel to the way we were flying.

As I was about to touch them, she pushed me away with all her power.

Cried," No it is not safe. "

I was almost tumbling.

"You want to know how my father died. He was electrocuted by these wires. These are dangerous."

"Sorry, I was just feeling tired."

"Let us sit on a perch." She pointed towards the nearby tree with her wings.

We watched the most awesome sunrise. First sunrays touched the giant pillars which were cylindrical shaped. The white fumes coming out gave a glittering fog type feeling. On the other side, the rays touched the bottom of the tall buildings. The glass covering of the buildings gave glossy effect.

"Enough, Let us fly. You have ruined my plans. Do not ruin my day."

We flew first above the small huts then past the medium sized bricked houses. We neared the roads. It was dusty one. Flying in cold breeze energized me. We were near a hut. I could see some other sparrows already there. They were picking grains spread on the floor. She directed me to fly down the corner.

We waited the corner to empty then started to engulf the grain.

"Be fast. Just swallow the grain."

She had not finished as if a fat sparrow that had a scar beneath his left eye, flew down and tried to flee us.

"Why did you come back here? I had told you this was my area and outsiders should not trespass it."

She flew to the other corner and started picking the seeds again. I followed her.

He tried to attack me with the claw. She came in my defence and directed me to fly. We flew and flew.

As I neared the tall cylindrical giants, I saw lots of debris. Black soil, smoggy environment, all my elation was gone. There was no tree surrounding it.

"This is the crap you dreamt to see. My father used to tell us about how beautiful this place was three years back. The entire place has gone junk. All the greenery has gone. Just the dust remains. Black dust"

I flew down and stretched to drink water from the drain.

"Stop, you are such a novice. Don't you see from where water is flowing down? Smell it."

Yesterday when I drank water from the spring, there was no smell. But today it smelt pungent.

"Poisonous, I drank it for once. Want to see what happened?"

She flapped up her wings for once.

I could see that her inner wings had started moulding.

"They have polluted the water, air and soil. These humans are becoming crazier day by day."

"Fly with me I will show you water." We flew back towards the huts.

I could see a tap from where drop by drop water was percolating to a canister. Tens of canisters followed it. Few human were sitting ideal surrounding it and buzzing.

"They have dried the water too. Do not worry there is enough water for us. Just go inside the canister and fill your beak and fly away. Do not stay there for a long time."

At first I was apprehensive. She showed me once. I followed and did this thrice. It was thrilling.

We flew past the road. She stopped in front of a medium sized building. One human was opening the gate. She told me to sit in front of a tree. The human, one by one, brought cages full of birds. Put them over one another. All birds looked gloomed and were fluttering inside and making a lot of noise. I was terrified.

"See, these humans have not only polluted but captured us and kept in this apiary."

"Captured us, for what?"

"Amusement, they even kill other birds and eat them. They do not kill us as we are not large. They paint us and sell us to other humans as if we are some antique birds captured from far away regions."

"What happens then?"

"They keep us in cages in their homes. They give us to eat and drink. They take our freedom."

"Do they die there?"

"Yes, but sometimes, if lucky, they can escape, especially when they discover that they are not the real ones. It is hard to survive then too as until then they loose all their power to fly. They loose their sense of direction. They will die of starvation."

"Can you see the cage in the left of the four brown ones?"


"They are my siblings and my mother. Humans caught those ten days back. I come daily to see them. I do not go near to them. I do not want to see them lamenting. I am helpless. " she sobbed.

"How did this happen?" I was getting anxious.

She did not reply.

We sat there for an hour, watching them fed by the human. I started hating humans. They were cruel.

We flew past the small and big houses and over the verdant suffused allaround. She was calm and was busy in some deep thinking. I thought it was better not to disturb her. We flew past the fields, into the woods. She sat on a perch.

"On that day we were all happily flying together from our nest. We were gliding in 'V', competing with each other. We saw the grains lying beneath this tree. They flew fast leaving me behind. I was gliding back and I saw an insect on the fruit. I flew towards it without telling them. I had almost finished swallowing it I heard their hue and cry. I flew towards them only to find them trapped in a net. I became numb. I wanted to join them. We tried to tear the net but all was vain. A human hiding behind the bushes came running and put them all in a cage and went. I was helpless. I could not do anything but follow them. Since then I just watch them there and pray for their freedom."

I was petrified. I had never imagined even in my dreams that these things happen. She sobbed again. We sat there for hours. She told me about how happy they were together. How they had escaped from the paw of a cat. She told me how bravely his brothers fought with that fat sparrow (the scar was the proof). How beautiful the life was.

The sun was about to set when we flew again.

Suddenly she flew past me and blocked my way and sun. She flapped her wings fast to a stand still.

"Stop following me. Go towards your home. Be safe there and do not return to the city. Today I was flying to another direction that's why I started early. You intervened and reminded me how juvenile we were."

"But "

"No, now I will return to my nest and fly to my destination tomorrow, far away from here, never to return to this place."

I was helpless. She directed me to my home. I meekly followed the order. I kept looking back, she might turn back. I saw a friend in her who was vanishing into the sun, vanishing along with the fading sun.

Since then I am waiting to see her again.

Author's Commentry: Ode to "God of Small Things" for inspiring me to write this one. Thanks to Nishant kumar for editing. Most of my stories are inspired from the Novels have read(all unfinished). I wrote "I am the Messenger" when I read "My name is Red". Similarly "She came she saw she conquered" and "This is it" from "The Fountainhead","Shree Mad Bhagwat Geeta" respectively. All the novels have been yet to be finished. Reading these books and the Geeta after certain part has led to me think and interpret the stories in my own way. This is what we also learn in research. We learn few things and we apply them in our own way. May be these stories have no realation or as par to novels but they are just my creations. They may all have dual meaning/purpose. It upon the reader how is he taking.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A Vignette

Everybody had cautioned me that you should not surf in rough sea but I was a flippant. The waves were untamed. Braggart like me wanted the thrill. I could handle this kind of weather.

Soon I was meandering between the waves. small wave, large wave.

I had started the same thrill had in last few years. I felt that I was a masochist each time those large waves approached me. These were meant to alleviate my pain.

The more I was getting fond off, the lesser I was becoming watchful. All was becoming just another wake. small wave, large wave.

I was too much engrossed in my ride and did not cared what was coming next. All of a sudden a very large and furious wave was just in front of me. It was going to engulf me. It might be the elixir I wished I always dreamt.large wave.

I did not close my eyes and took the biggest breathe of my life. It was a precarious situation. The furious one turned me upside down; I went off board.

No, another large wave followed it and pushed me deep down. large wave.

Underneath everything was deep blue. I could not see anything deep down. Few feet from me my surfboard was drowning. I tried to topple as I did not know to swim. A sweet headache started.I could see big bubbles from my nose going towards the surface time to time. Each one getting larger as it went higher.

The surface was far away. I tried to swim, flinching. The more I tried to move upward, pressure kicked me down, A free fall.

As each second passed my headache was getting stronger. Smothering me.

Nausea had set up. Eyes were popping out. A toddler was thumping over my stomach. My mouth had swollen out. Could not hold my breathe any longer. Everything was getting fainter. Could not feel my limbs. My head was going to burst out.

Was this the enigma I wanted to feel?

At this moment I could do the best was to Believe.

Monday, May 10, 2010

I have a dream

I have a dream Today.
                         - Martin Luther King Jr

A good motivator will always suggest you that you shall write your dreams and read it quite often as it will be your guiding light. May be I have never achieved something big as I have never dreamt about it. I always believe in hard work and try to achieve everything though my diligence. From sometime some events have shocked me and have waked me rather have made me to think. Just not think but ratiocinate positive.

I am like a mugwump about my future. I do not fear about my future as I believe that I am having the best education and putting my best effort to garner the knowledge and I do not think it was desultory. Situation is like I am at a TV game show where the host give you option to choose a door from three. My problem is that I want to choose the door after knowing what best valued thing is for me. I know in this competitive world I have limited choice. I have to choose the door and my fate (Luck) will do the rest. It is not true that I want to the richest person in the world. I wish to be boy who has put his sock on Christmas Night that Santa gives me the best gift that I can relish until next time and again Santa gives me the best one. It may be a dream but I never wanting to wake up.

Wake up Priya. Think. No, give me the answer. Everyone is eagerly waiting for it. 

Let me close my eye.

Do you saw darkness?

No, it just a ray of light, trying to touch the new tender leaf. A distinct ray of hope. Strong hope. Whatever I do I will do the best. Do I saw money also?

I have few dreams may be vague one but they are not whiff of what others are thinking. I wish to be the best innovator. I am good in thinking and planning. It is not that I want to revolutionize the research world. I see myself as one of the best scientist in the world in 10 years.

Ten years!! Are you mad? In the meantime if you do some job, do you have thought what will be you salary? You have a lower middle class family should always think about your family.

Will you stop?

Yes, I want to achieve step by step. I must be more innovative in my fifth year. If everything is right then I have two research papers by the end of this year. So I can take risk and plan my fifth year project as I wish. I have to do best in GRE and NET. 

Focus Priya.

What is your preparation? Will your mother allow going to foreign university for atleast FIVE years? Sometimes when woke up you feel anxious. You feel something is choking you. What about it?

Yes, I am doing fine. I am preparing slow but it is on the right directions. Recent incidents have put a curb on all.

I am fully focussed now. I am curtailing my feelings and giving sacrifices. I am ready to detach all.

My parents never question my decisions. I hope they will be with me.

True, emotionally presently at my ebb. I do not like attitude of my institute and friends. I feel all are against me. They impose rules and they are the ones who break for their benefit. I am always on the wrong side. Professors will tell that you should concentrate on your preparation for GRE. Then they are the ones who will scold you for bad marks. Sometime I do not understand what they want to say. I do not want to comment on the system and friends. Just add-on they have not been generous on me. I do not regret. I had never tried to run after them too.

Don't you want to run for money?

Yes, why not. But I still feel that I can make out money in this field.

Don't you have other option?

Yes, my childhood dream has been to be an IAS officer. Thanks to my mother who always reminds me about the epithets an IAS officer gets. I have good general knowledge. I love chemistry and I loved geography in my school.

I feel I can crack it. I am slowly preparing for it too.

Is it OK? Can you handle the pressure?

Why not? I want to believe in myself. I do not want to live in exaggerated world. I have to set my priorities now. First of all I have to prepare for GRE.

Muse Barron's Word List.

One final question: Where do you see yourself after five years?

I am working in established lab in field of Cancer. I am on verge of making a discovery. Currently I am thinking about my fifth year project presentation. I am quite confident about it.

Remember I had dreamt in my second that I will be working in field of cancer in my fifth year. I am going to work in this field. Dreams come true.

Dream Dream Dream


Only a diamond can cut a diamond.
Nothing is priceless unless you own it.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Nuance Serie A

I enjoy observing subtle things. They fascinate me a lot. This series is dedicated to my observations, mainly posted on Facebook.


A nuance: When students come from home they look healthy and mess people look they had hardly any muscle but as the days goes by mess people become healthy and students become pale.

Posted on fb on 13th April 2010


Nuance II: When you ,move near the waterbodies of Mumbai even Delhi you have noisome odor but in Bengal you do not get it..thanks to Pisciculture. In mumbai they use waterbodies as dumping ground.
Posted on fb on 14th April 2010


Nuance III-"Badam amaar theke nao kaino ki aami guru baki sab chela(buy peanuts from me as I am the Teacher rest are my copy cats)"- heard a hawker telling slowly. Another strategy of selling stuffs at our own super market @ locals

Posted on fb on 18th April 2010

Nuance IV: My WMP and Itunes have access to same music folder. When I play on shuffle mode they they play different songs i.e. they have play songs more the songs which have been played earlier ...They are incoherent ....they have different algorithm and but play more the previously played songs..which means they play different songs each time..
Posted on fb on 30th April 2010

If their Algorithm is different, and they both factor in users' preference (frequency of track played earlier), they still might have a lot of other factors which cause the divergence in track choices. But unless you have a huge library and like to listen to random tracks (typical users have few favourites) all the time, the twain should pick the same tracks at times. Unless of course, they cannot use the same track concurrently, which I know is not the case.

Nuance V: As a child I often thought why was the train moving in opposite direction was faster than my train?
Posted on fb on 6th may 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Little Song

Long summer was not ending                                                                  
waiting to have a glimpse of her.
Rain came
arousing a new desire.
Falling of first drop on face,
longing for the first kiss.
Aroma of the first fall,
her hairs brushing my face.
The thunder stroke
pounding my tender heart.
Wind jostling by-
sensation of her being in my arms.
Had a ecstatic feeling
to define my never ending love.

Monday, April 19, 2010

This is it.

City central clock stroke 10 AM. In the nearby alley there was the city's oldest business center. Modern Skyscrapers surrounded it. It was an 8 storied building. The second floor was owned by Pinnacle computers, the top software solution provider in the world. It had suffered hugely due to recession. There was silence inside. A man who was in his late 20's was sitting on his chair with hands on his head leaning to his desk inside his cabin. His eyes were sore. His face was down. Company had released a list of the employees whose job was cut off. His name was there. But he was not sorry or angry. In front of him was his mobile calling a particular number. He had been trying to call this number several times overnight. Each time same reply came.

"The Number you are trying is switched off. Please try later."

He had a small quarrel with his girlfriend. He wanted to quit this job. He wanted to be a writer. He had dreamt about a lot of stories and wanted to share them. He wanted to live in his stories. It was not true that she did not love her but her parents wanted her to marry a guy who could provide her a lavish life. She was too afraid to go against the wish of her parents. She wanted him to stick to the job. He was fed up of his monotonous office life. He wanted to go far away from tyranny of his boastful boss. He wanted freedom. He stood up and tried the number again. Same reply irritated him. His heart was pounding like he had been struck by a thunderstorm. He defenestrated his mobile. He was not angry on her. He was getting impatient. It was impossible for him to bear the reply once again. He loosened his tie, removed his jacket.He moved towards the elevator.


The elevator stopped. He moved inside the elevator. Instead of pressing button to go downstairs he pressed to the top floor. What was going on in his mind? He was lost in his emotions. He was cold. He wanted to enjoy the freedom from this monotonous job meant for morons. At the same time he was trembling from the thoughts of how could he live without his girlfriend. He had dreamt to go to all beautiful places with her and to fulfill all the wishes she had. He had never felt so much lonely. She was always there to share his fears. He had never thought of living without her. He wanted to run to her, and tell her how much he loved her and that he could still earn to make her happy. He knew she had gone too far to ever return.


The elevator stopped at the 3rd floor. A rich plump man in his late 40's with a lady in early twenties entered the lift. The man was bald and clumsy but to hide his ugliness was wearing branded hat and tailored suit. His face was full of cuts showing his early hard days. He had taken all the bad paths to be a big sheikh of the society. He started his career as a small salesman but with his acumen and cunningness he slowly became a big property dealer. Though he was wearing branded clothes but he had no sense of clothes as he was wearing bright green colored coat with a white trouser. His hat was larger than his head. His white Ray Glass was too bad for his overall look. His achievements had made him haughty. He cared for nothing. He had every possible material to please him. The lift was moving upward. The lady with him was wearing bright red colored miniskirt with a Gucci glass. She had a Prada ladies' bag in one hand and a cigarette in the other. She was beautiful and was a model for a well-known agency. She was with this man as he had all the money which she needed to enjoy her life to the fullest. The age difference was not bothering her as long as he had the money. She entered the elevator puffing the smoke. The elevator was filled with her sweet fragrance, but as the smoke filled the elevator it smelled foul.

Nothing was diverting the young man's mind. He was lost in his thoughts. He was perplexed. He was fired from his job, as he had wished but the agony of losing her girlfriend was hurting him. He did not know how to react. Watching the senseless behavior of the young man the lady felt awkward. She had a knack of getting flirty looks from other men, which she enjoyed. This boosted her ego. She had always thought that with her beauty she could fool any man. This young man was ignoring her which she did not like. She loosened her hand and the bag fell on the foot the young man.


She bent down to take the bag. She wanted to have straight look in young man's eyes which was always downward. The young man was unmoved. The lady was irritated. A beauty was standing right beside him and he was not glaring at her. She slightly pushed the bald man to look at the young man. Through her eye contact she told him.

"Something is wrong with this man. Look how stressed he looks."

He reminded him of his old days when her wife had left her as he had failed to fulfill her needs. The bald man sighed and took out his costly cigarette case and pushed a cigarette towards the young man. The young man was unmoved. He put the case back in his coat's pocket and tried to ignore him.


The lift stopped on the 6th floor. A Buddhist monk entered the lift. He was sixty years old but with his austerity he looked as if he was thirty. His orange garment was clean and neatly ironed. He had no lust for this materialistic world. He was a preacher of nirvana. He preached that it was human ignorance to run towards materialistic world. One should maintain stern discipline and through rigorous austerity he could achieve the ultimate goal of human life - to get Nirvana. He stood in front of the young man. He ignored the bald man and the brazen lady. The gloomy young man reminded him of his youth when he was running for the materialistic world. He was running to and fro to achieve everything by hook or by crook. One day while running away from police, he met his Guru.

"What are you doing?"

"Why are you doing these crimes?"

"God is analyzing your deeds every moment."

"Some where you have to stop and pay for what you have done."

He left everything and since then he had maintained a strict life and tried to inculcate what his Guru had taught him.

He felt pity on the young man and moved towards him. He put his hand on his shoulder and tried to soothe him. Still the young man was numb. He was lost somewhere in his thoughts. The monk moved back to his place. His cold and gentle touch had failed to perturb him.


The lift stopped on the 8th floor. The young man left the elevator. It was the roof top of the building. The zephyr was blowing. It could hardly soothe the young man. He had made his life so tough. He was blaming no one. He was squeezed by the expectations of others. His whole life he had spent fulfilling the expectations of others. In his childhood his parents had expected him to be the class topper. If he failed to secure a good rank, his parents took it as their failure and thus it pressurized him. His teachers wanted him to complete certain projects. He was good in sports and his friends wanted his help in their study. He was like a machine always obeying them and doing his job sincerely. On one side his family wanted him to do well in job and keep up the family name, but on the other hand he could not dare to challenge his boss about his annoying behavior towards him.

He was standing on the hand rail on the side of the roof. He took out his tie and threw it over the top. The cool zephyr slowed down the pace of its falling. In his childhood he had always feared of death. He had never understood why one lived if someday he had to die. Being acrophobic should have enhanced his fear. Smothering and suffering had made him numb. Desperate to end his existence he was standing there. It was the time to leave all agony behind and to have a new beginning. As he gathered all his strength to leap, he heard sounds and as he was gaining momentum, the intensity became louder. Who cared if he was dead? He stopped for a moment and looked back. There it was - fascinating sight in front of his eyes. An eagle was feeding its sibling. As the eagle went closer to one sibling, other sibling would cry louder. The bird was confused. It ultimately fed the one crying the loudest. With sudden rush of blood he became inquisitive.

"Why was the bird feeding her siblings? They were not going to care for it when they grew up."

He came down and watched the kite feeding its siblings. He smiled. Soon his smile turned into laughter. Suddenly the subtle world had changed for him. What was he going to do? He was embarrassed with his childish behavior. He had become like his family and society who were always seeking for results. If the kite had looked for results it would have never fed its siblings. The bird was happy as its gene was being passed along with them. It was its nature. It did not follow what others told. So what if his beloved had left him? May be she wasn't the one. He had to resume his faith in his capabilities. This wasn't the end of the world. He promised himself that he would believe in himself. He would start his life afresh as if this was a new day. He would do as his heart suggested and enjoy every moment of it.

He would fill his life with happiness. He would never expect for results. It was the time he had to get ready. It was the time he needed to start living his life HIS way and fulfill all his small dreams.

-edited by Nishant Kumar

Friday, March 26, 2010



इस जीवन में कब तक पतझड़ रहेगा ?

आप आओ बहार लाओ I

कब तक प्यासा कुएं के पास तडपेगा ?

आप आओ तृप्त कर जाओ I

नींद में सपनों को कौन बुनेगा ?

आप आओ सपनों का आगाज होगा I

कब तक सांसों को थामें रखूँगा ?

आप  आओ ब्यार बहेगा I

अब धड़कन रुकने लगी है

आप आओ आ भी जाओ II

Pay Rs. 50 only/-, Join me

Opinion expressed here are personal one. I am not liable for any things written here. 

Recently a trend has started in IISER Kolkata, club formation. All kind of clubs from arts, literature to badminton are sprouting up in short span of time. It is good that students are thinking to make their mundane life to joyous one. Co-curricular activities are important in college life. It helps to develop your personality and makes you better person. It takes out your anger and recharges with positive energy.

But a serious point is that you have to register to it by paying Rs. 50 per semester. Now if you are too gregarious and fun loving suppose like me you will join 6 clubs. So your purse is leaking around Rs. 300. This seems to be a meager amount for students as they are on fellowship of about Rs. 5000 approx. monthly. But ethically our institute is taking big chunk of stipend already through high mess rate where for good food per day you have to spend Rs. 100. Do not tell me that a single rice vegetable thali costs only Rs. 15. That thali is good enough for the security personals who line up for the food early on. How many of you eat vegetable thali normally? Have you seen the quality of rice that is being served? Institute has already poor transport facility and you should know how much it costs to maintain good quality of life in here. Now sometimes many things are not provided and we are told to for that you are provided the fellowship.

These clubs too have their own rules. The rules are so irritating. Like people not belonging to particular cannot participate in any event organized by the respective club. If are not part of the club and for one day you are free you want to enjoy the game as they will not issue rackets. You have to be member of the club. For playing in off day you have to be a member. These facilities should be provided by institute. Where it is written that you are given stipend and thus you will not be provided with any amenities. Your fellowship money should go for your extracurricular activities. I do not know why this type of attitude is.

Now you are club members so you all have all the rights to set the rules. No one is going to object. Isn't it funny? Let me elucidate it by simple example. Table Tennis club is organizing a tournament. Only members can play and also they have to form a group of up to 5 members of same year. Each has to pay the registration fees. What are they going to do with money? How many rackets and balls they are going to buy. They have also allotted time for when club members can only play and when rest can play. Buddies we are not professionals. We are students when we will get time, we play.

Regarding TT club I have personal anger too. I went to day on the election for secretary post. But as soon as they found I was there they fled. I waited for half an hour. No one turned up. Next day I found their names and new rules for TT club on notice board. Brothers, you could have told me I personally would have put forward your name. But your behavior is seriously in question. Yes, I only wanted to follow only two clubs one is class and other Laboratory. If such things are happening in all other clubs too then what is use of these clubs inside the hostel. They should move all their activities outside the campus. Everybody has equal right to use anything in the hostel which is provided by college.

My view is that you form a club but rules should be flexible. Everyone should get notices of all club meetings and also have knowledge about their decisions. All the financial liabilities should be borne out by the institute. Each institute have fund for that of they should use it for that. College is not only about development in education but all-round development. Each student can enjoy all the facilities. Do you know many of us have taken loans to wear out expenses? Anyway when we are moving to new distant hostel why should we join any club?


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Pasting the Pieces: Following the mother Goose

Dear Sweetheart,

In these mundane days when I am far from you. I thought to tell you about my life. Life is ephemeral and we gain from it is experience. Experiences that are both sweet and sour, which are two faces of the same coin. It is pure joy to share my experiences with you. Last time when I was returning from Delhi to Chakradharpur, the train momentarily stopped at Mohammadganj, my birthplace. I stepped down at the station. Though I had forgotten how the station looked, but suddenly my whole childhood flashed. I was quite emotional. I touched the ground and promised to return again to relive my childhood. In this letter I will be recalling my early childhood days.

I remember that when I used to return from my village to Mohammadganj through Palamau Express in the night, there used to be no station. Just a guard room and station was deserted. We lived in a colony near hill side. My father was working for Govt. in building a dam over River Koel.

Time and date is not important. It was Thursday early morning when my mother gave birth to me in the kitchen of our house. It was quite a big day as lot of officers and lot of people had gathered in my house. A nurse (Daayi Maa) was called (it was big thing at that time). I was the third child of my family. My father distributed cold drinks and sweets. Someone declared I will be a big bureaucrat. Let's see how true it becomes.

Hill-Top Views

Like any child I also claim my childhood was a dream childhood. We lived in a small quarter which was surrounded by gardens. A hill was nearby just 100 meters away. Can you imagine my uncles used to carry me to top of the hill on their shoulders where I could see the nature very close by? I could see deer, monkeys and small natural waterfalls. It was a treat to watch. We used to collect different fruits and flowers. There was a guest house on the hill top. On special functions our father used to take us where we enjoyed parties. We were not allowed to go out after the evening as the place was infamous for wolves and lions. Once my father and his friend were going in the dark, when they saw glowing eyes. They sparked the torch on it; it was lion that fled away. Probably he was not hungry.

The Holy Cow

We had a cow that my mother took good care of. She had bad temper and did not allow anyone to go near her. Every time I went near it, she would show her anger. We loved her calves. It was quite thrilling to watch the cow giving birth to a calf. Many people used to come. It was thought to be auspicious. You cannot drink milk for few days after the birth of a calf. In my childhood I did not like drinking milk. Its smell was too bad for my nose and taste was too bad for my tongue. But my mother would find ways to oblige me to drink it. My mother used to worship her everyday and provided her all the food every day.

The conviviums

Behind our house we had a huge guava tree which bore red pulped guavas. There was also Mango and Baer tree. It was quite vegetated area often we would see snakes near the hand-pump. During childhood, me and my brother had friends with the children of our neighbor namely Badal and Chandan. We with our sisters organized picnics. We were gifted small utensils for cooking by one man whom we used to call Manager Chacha. He had also taught us how to make beautiful flowers and designs using Crêpe paper. We used to gather wood and vegetable from our gardens and cooked it near the Baer tree. We used to simply relish that.

The TV Show

We were not rich people but I never had dearth of anything. People around me were so friendly. I used to think my father provides us the best quality of food and toys. I did not like toys. My big brother used to like Tobu Cycle. I never thought life had any sorrow: just happiness. In that time my father brought a TV and VCR from Calcutta. It was the time when Doordarshan had started airing Ramayana. Nobody in nearby had television, it was quite a big thing then. On Sundays everybody used to bath themselves before 9 am and get ready. People from nearby villages also used to come. TV was placed in central hall and the whole hall and Verandah used to fill up. People used to watch through window. Can you imagine the scene where women carrying babies used to peep through the window for an hour to watch it? When program was aired everybody used to remain calm and were quite emotionally attached to it. I could recall them singing the hymns and songs with television stars. It was unbelievable to see tears rolling from their eyes at scenes like abduction of Sita. After the show there used to be discussions in small groups and my mother used to serve them tea. People used to discuss about the characters. At that time Arun Govil was treated as god. As he would appear on television people used to bow to him and utter "Jai Shree Ram".

Dancing on tunes

I was quite an adamant child who used to get anger very quickly. Then my mother had hard times to soothe me. My mother is very caring and courageous. When I was ill, my mother alone would carry me to hospitals in Dehri-On-Son via train. She always took care of me. My sisters also adored me. I gave them hard times with my tantrums, spoiled their things. We had cable sort of connection. The cable was monitored from our home. For fun we used to switch it off and acted we had not done anything. At that time the cable operator used to telecast films at particular time. Suppose we had class in the morning and returned home in afternoon and if a film was being aired we used bunk the class and watch the movie. He used to air two films namely Sholay and Shahenshah. I think he had aired these films more than 25 times. We had remembered all the dialogues. Just imagine me dancing on the songs and delivering the dialogues of Amitabh Bachchan (as a child).

The Radio

At that time cricket had made so much impact. All India radio was the sole channel and we used to listen to it, mainly news. I was too amazed to think how does sound comes from that small box. In this respect let me tell you my mother's story. In her childhood she was very much fascinated by two things radio and train. When my nana brought radio, she was quite amazed to hear the voice coming out of it. She would sit down in front of it and try to find out how a man can sit inside it and deliver music for such long time. I will tell about the train later.
The Driver

There was place nearby called Bhim Chulha where the legend says that Bhim cooked food before going to kill Bakasura who tormented the village Ekachakra. My mother used to go there for worship. I cannot remember that place but my mother used to tell it had huge cooking pot made up of rock. My father was working for the building of dam on river Koel. I was quite fascinated to see the large cranes. The drivers would carry me with them and I used to see them working. My favorite toy was an old Jeep lying dead in front of our house. I would sit down on the driver's seat and imagine driving it for hours. My sisters and friends also sat beside me. We used to make sound of horn and vehicle by ourselves. While playing when our tooth broke, we used to dig earth and put it inside as we were told out of it a tree will grow out.

The Pets

Like my ancestors were fond of Horses, our parents too loved animals. My mother used to keep water in small old utensils for birds, fed the dogs and the crows. We also had the same passion. We used to have parrot which could utter "Siya Ram". It loved chillies and guavas. We were also fond of guinea pigs and used to have a lot of them. We would play with them for hours. It was our duty to feed them grass. We used to grow grass and collect water for them. We also had a rabbit. All of us loved to play with it. But when a cat used to kill them we would become too sad and hated the cats.

The Bahrupiyas

I was quite shy. I didn't used to come out in front of guests. If my head was shaved for religious ceremony, I would not come out of the home for days, until some hair used to grow out. At that time there was a tradition of Bahrupiya (People disguised in different make ups). They would come in our colonies. I would think them as real and get scared and used to lock myself in my home until they had gone. They used to disguise as Lord Shiva, Daku or English Man. I was scared as people used to tell they will abduct me. We used to collect our hair after shaving as in exchange we used to get Son papdi. Barter system still existing there. We used to get lots of things in exchange of old clothes and utensils.

The Underground River

Once our family went to Prayag Raj (Banaras) during khumbh. I remember walking on some tin sheet when someone told us that we were walking on river Saraswati, the embedded river. We took dips in the river. We used to come to Patna while going to our village. Once we went to Circus, like any child I was quite amazed to see the clowns and terrified to hear the roar of the tiger. My heart pounded when I saw them performing the acrobatic skills. I dreaded to see them hanging above with single hand and swinging from one corner to another. We tasted our first ice-cream there. My mother did not like it. She said it was not eatable. Our clothes were brought from small shops at Hathwa market. Once when we went for shopping, I and my small sister got lost. We started searching for our parents from store to store. We were about to cry, when I saw them shopping.
The Early Education

In small ceremony I think during Saraswati Puja I was given the chalk to write "अ", then "". We used to study in a small class where children of all age would study together guided by a teacher. The school ran on chalk and board donated by my father. My father had also arranged private teacher to teach us counting mathematical table (pahada).He was a tough one and we got severe beating from him from wooden scales. My mother and grandmother would tell us stories from Ramayana and Mahabharata. I liked the story of Aruni (the boy who lay down in the field whole night so that the land of his master was not enundated with water) , Sudama (who did not share his food with Shree Krishna, still lord helped him later )and Gaja & Grah (Gaja was an elephant who was very loyal devotee of Lord Krishna whose leg was caught by Grah, the crocodile and called the lord for help. )

The Extras

We used to play a lot of games like Hide and seek. There were lots of places to hide. But my favorite place to hide was a room near the verandah. We also used to play with marbles, pitto(where you have to aim at some small pieces kept a distance with ball and arrange it without the ball beating you ), gili-danda and lali-danda. I was not good at games. I liked roaming in jungles and loved gardening. We used to grow large sized marigold. We even grew vegetables like brinjal, potato and ground nut. I used to love eating raw ground nuts. The most fascinating part was that I loved the smell of the first drops of rain falling on the ground. We loved to collect ice falling with the rain, even ate it several times. When there was rain with the daylight on we used to say that "somewhere a marriage of fox was going on". The rainbows that would appear after rain would attract me and I would inquire where they were being formed.

The Journey Begins

Once an accident occurred while we were playing Lali-danda (where we have to hit a piece of small crafted wood with a stick), the wood hit my brother's eyes. It was bleeding profusely. He was taken to Japla (nearby town) for treatment. After that we stopped playing and it was decided that whole family would move to Patna for our schooling.

Like any child I did not have maturity to remember all the events. These events might be common day to day life experiences but joy of a child is unique. You always want to be a child to get away from all tensions. Hope you liked my part of the story. Hope to hear from you. 

With love 

P.S. Mohammadganj has now been infected by the naxalites. The dam is working. Government had spent crores of rupees on building that dam. Cranes and heavy machines bought are decaying there. Now the place has become deserted. Nobody want to go there. All the charm is gone. 

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Aha! so you have got a movie of my mood

Some Movies you never forget.Movies define mood.
Watch them, Feel them, live them and define the moment.
My choices are:

1. When you want  to change your society: Do Aankhen Barah Haanth.

2. When you want to know what to know what is family: Little Miss Sunshine

3. When you want to fight: Fight Club

4. When you miss someone: A Walk to remember

5. When you miss your friends: 3 Idiots

6. When you have fight with your friends: Dil Chahta Hai

7. When you do not want to sit till the end(its too good that you cannot leave): The Shawshank Redemption

8. When you want laughter at each scene: Andaz Apna Apna

9. When you want to enjoy with your family: Hum Aapke Hain Kaun

10. When you want to be see a classic: The Godfather 

11. When you want to be a superhero: The Dark knight

12. When you want to a part of epic: The Lord of the Rings

13. When you Love someone: Serendipity

14. When you hate someone(I can not watch it full): Tere Naam

15. When you want to be someone: Amitabh in Chupke Chupke

16. When you want to die: DasVidaniyan

17. When you want to stop watching War Movies: Saving Private Ryan

18. When you want to live in deserted place: Cast Away/ The Terminal

19. When you want to be a child: Forest Gump

20. When you want to fulfill your wishes: Iqbal

21. When you want to live in a game like: Resident Evil

22. When you want to live for a day:  If Only

23. When you want to to be a part of perfect conspiracy: The Illusionist

24. When you want to take rebirth: Karz

25. When you want patriotism: Schindler's List

26. When you are at your lowest ebb: Kill Bill

27. When you know the suspects: The Usual Suspects

28 When you want to dance:Junglee

29. When you want to sing: Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge

30. When you feel you can understand the movies: Momento

31. When you want not to forget your love: The Notebook

32. When you want the  revenge: The Prestige

33. When you want to meet alien: ET

34. When you want to remember someone: The Titanic

35. When you want to get animated : Up

36. When you say love is simple yet precious(it can happen to anybody): Amelie

37. When you want to fight for galaxy: Star Wars

38. When you want to see someone die for you: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

39. When you want to see cricket doing something good: Lagaan

40. When you to inspire someone: Taare Zameen Per

41. When you want to see how music binds you: August Rush

42. When you want to savior of the planet: Matrix

43. When you want to loose your memory: Bourne Series

44. When you want know how important you are: It's a wonderful life

45. When you want to amend something: Atonement