Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The cradle song: a memory

As I was trying long to sleep today, engrossed in my deep thought, suddenly remembered my childhood.
When I would make my mother sing cradle songs and as she would sing lulabies in her sweet murmur voice, I could feel sleep in no time in her warm laps.

She used sang a few. I remember only this one.

चंदा मामा दूर के 
पुड़ी पकावे गूड़ के II
अपने खाए थाली में 
मुन्ना को दीये प्याली में II
प्याली गयी टूट 
मुन्ना गया रूठ  II
नया प्याली मगायेंगे  
मुन्ना को मनाएंगे II
- Dedicated to my mother